As a West London based plumber you see just how much water consumption can add up. Not only does it leave wallets feeling light, water conservation is actually one of the biggest environmental struggles of the 21st Century. So doing your bit to keep your water use down will save you, and the planet, dramatically. You’ll be pleased to hear that your local plumber can get you on the right track by installing certain products that help you reduce your water consumption. Once they’ve stepped out the front door, however, it’s down to you. So here are 10 clever ways you can reduce your water use at home.

1. Turn off the tap when brushing your teeth

Conservationists for have drilled it into us for so long now, but we are all occasionally guilty of letting the water flow while brushing. Over time you’re losing a considerable amount of water to this habit, which can easily be retained by simply turning off the tap. Top tip: leave yourself a reminder note on the mirror or somewhere above the sink so you never forget.

2. Check for any leaks

Leaks happen, and to ignore them will not only increase your water consumption (and water bill) but can also lead to more expensive problems down the line. To check for water leaks, simply consult your water meter and wait for a few hours without using any water. When you return to the meter it should be the same. If it has changed, then you know water is somehow escaping, so it’s time to call your local West London based plumber (preferably Heywood Heating…)

3. Limit yourself to 4-minute showers

If you’re used to a long, contemplative shower then this tip may be harder to swallow. However, all that time spent considering the universe’s most profound questions or simply getting lost in the sweet smell of your new shampoo is literally money down the drain. 4-minute showers provide plenty of time to put a refreshed spring in your step while keeping your water usage down. If you really can’t give up long showers altogether, at least try to limit them to once a week as a luxury, and take shorter showers the rest of the time. You’ll only appreciate them more for it!

4. Make sure your central heating system is up to scratch

Remember, the less time you need for your water to heat up the less water you’ll use, so an efficient heating system is a must. We’re entering the summer months now so many homes are switching their central heating off. The boiler is going to be doing significantly less work over the next few months, and it may begin to seize up as a result – especially if you’ve got an electric shower. A full service and boiler check will ensure that your system is running as efficiently as possible and can also prevent future issues.

5. Only wash when you have a full load

Be prepared to get cosy with your housemates’ underwear. If you live in a house share, always ask around to see if anyone has any laundry to top up your wash. If you don’t have a full load in the washer, it’s wasteful to put it on. It’s always a good idea to check the most efficient wash modes on your machine too, a quick wash is often all you need and uses considerably less water.

6. The same applies for a dishwasher

Keep stacking those plates and you’ll quickly see a return in cash.

7. Collect and reuse rainwater (not for drinking)

Installing a rainwater harvesting system can be costly, but for those serious about saving the planet it’s a wonderful innovation and will pay off in the long run too. Using rainwater for flushing and laundry can reduce your water consumption by around 70% in certain cases. That’s a lot to consider, especially if you connect your hot water system to rainwater conservation. Similarly, it is becoming more and more common to fill home swimming pools with rainwater, proving an incredibly cost-effective alternative.

8. Only fill the kettle with as much water as you need

Start making use of the amount indicator on the side of your kettle (it’s there for a reason) and save more cash for teabags and tasty biscuits to offer your favourite West London based plumber the next time we visit…

9. Install a dual flush

We all know that certain trips to the toilet require more water for flushing than others, which is why the dual flush comes in handy. Using two buttons to flush different amounts of water means you are always using the amount of water you absolutely need and never more.

10. Or just follow the old rule…

“If it’s yellow let it mellow, if it’s brown flush it down” – need we say anymore?

Contact our West London based plumbers for more information on ensuring your boiler and water systems are the most efficient they can possibly be.